Previous Consultations
If you would like to receive additional information regarding them please contact
- Consultation on Fee Scales 2025-26 [opens in new window]
- Consultation on Fee Scales 2024-25 [opens in new window]
- Consultation on Fee Scales 2023-24 [opens in new window]
- Seeking Views on the Auditor General’s Work Programme [opens in new window] - Our online submission form is no longer live but we would still appreciate any thoughts on our work programme via the downloadable form [opens in new window]
- Consultation on our Proposed Equality Objectives for 2022-2026 [opens in new window]
- Consultation on Fee Scales 2022-23 [opens in new window]
- Consultation on Fee Scales 2021-22 [opens in new window]
- Delivering the Auditor General’s Examinations, 2020-25 [opens in new window]
- Invitation to Comment: Future Audit Arrangements for Community Councils in Wales 2020-21 Onwards [PDF 980KB opens in new window]
- Consultation on three-year forward programme of work [PDF opens in new window]
- Consultation on fee scales 2019-20 [PDF 640KB opens in new window]
- Shape Our Audits consultation - we were looking for your views on our planned future work programme.
- Discussion Paper: Simplifying a Complex Fee Regime [PDF 400KB opens in new window]
- Consultation on the draft three-year strategy for 2017-2020 [PDF 441KB opens in new window]
- Consultation on fee scales 2017-18 [PDF 562KB opens in new window]
- The Well-being of Future Generations Act and what it means for your audit [PDF 484KB Opens in new window]
- Local government audit and inspection fee scales 2014-15 [PDF 870KB Opens in new window]
- Code of Audit Practice and Statement of Practice [PDF 1.1MB Opens in new window]
- Local Government Audit and Inspection Fee scales for 2013-2014 [PDF 361KB Opens in new window]
- Auditor General's response to the Welsh Government Consultation on proposals for a sustainable development Bill [PDF 88KB Opens in new window]
- Auditor General's Sustainable Development White Paper response 2013 [PDF 82KB Opens in new window]
- Auditor General's response to the draft Public Audit (Wales) Bill - Welsh Government consultation [PDF 367KB Opens in new window]
- Contracting Strategy and the Audit of Town and Community Councils [PDF 420KB Opens in new window]
- Consultation on Local Government Audit and Inspection Fee scales for 2012 -2013 [PDF 246KB Opens in new window]