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As part of our graduate recruitment campaign, we asked some of our current trainees to blog about why they first applied and what life is like on the Wales Audit Office graduate programme.
Here, Jennie Morris writes about her personal reflections.
To find out more about the scheme, and how to apply, please visit our website [opens in new window].
My name is Jen and I’m a third year financial audit trainee on the graduate scheme. I joined back in June 2016 and immediately felt at ease in the Wales Audit Office.
Everyone is so friendly and you really feel like you’re part of something special. So, you may be wondering what to expect as a graduate trainee working at WAO. Well, I can only speak from my own experience but here are a few things I’ve got to say:
There are loads of opportunities to be had as long as you’re not afraid to put your hand up and get involved. I’ve been lucky enough to go on work trips to London and Newcastle to attend conferences and meetings with the National Audit Office which not only is super fun but also a fantastic opportunity to network and develop your knowledge.
The trainee cohort has grown massively over the past few years and we’ve become quite a close bunch. You’ll always have someone to answer your questions or share your worries with – we’ve all been in your shoes! We also try and arrange social get-togethers as much as possible, so you won’t miss that uni lifestyle too much!
College is hard but there’s no better feeling than sitting that last exam and knowing you’re free….until the next lot. College time also has its perks – it’s gives you the chance to really get to know the other trainees in your cohort plus there are loads of free biscuits.
When you first start you’ll have no clue what’s going on. I was an accounting graduate and I still felt totally overwhelmed. Don’t worry – nobody is expecting you to know everything. The others in your audit team will help you out and never be afraid to ask!
You’ll be part of several different audits during your time here. I’ve worked on health, local government and central government audits. It’s always a bit weird switching from one audit to another but you’ll soon get used to it and find something interesting about each one.
Your development is taken seriously. You will go on a variety of training courses ranging from minute taking to capital financing (exciting!). Your development needs are also listened to and accommodated where-ever possible. For example, I wanted to develop my leadership skills so was offered the opportunity to supervise a more junior trainee on my local government audit.
The Christmas parties are legendary. You’ll see what I mean…
Jennie Morris is a third year trainee at the Wales Audit Office.
She joined us after studying Accounting at Cardiff Metropolitan University.