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Fill out our call for evidence
The Welsh Government has a target of building 20,000 new low-carbon social homes for rent between 2021 and 2026. Around 2,600 homes were built in the first year of the period, so the rate of completion will need to rise significantly to achieve the target.
The short video below explains how the current target is more stretching than the previous one for the 2016-21 period and how new challenges have emerged since the target was set.
Alternatively, read our transcript [opens in new window].
There is a pressing need for affordable housing in Wales, and increasing supply is a key Welsh Government policy. The funding requirement is substantial: the Welsh Government estimates that it will need to spend at least £1.6 billion over the Senedd term to deliver its affordable housing target.
The Independent Review of Affordable Housing Supply, published in 2019, made many recommendations intended to strengthen the programme, most of which were accepted by the Welsh Government.
Our audit will consider whether the Welsh Government is making good use of its resources to achieve the target and its associated benefits.
We’ll be looking at how the Welsh Government’s affordable housing programme is being run and its progress to date, including the following:
How the Welsh Government and local authorities assess housing need
Appraisal of funding bids
Resourcing of the target (grant funding and other funding mechanisms)
Governance and management of the programme, including data systems
Joint working and stakeholder relationships
The supply of suitable development sites and whether the pipeline of sites is sufficient to meet future needs
Progress in implementing the recommendations of the Independent Review of Affordable Housing Supply, published in 2019
How the Welsh Government is responding to the delivery challenges outlined above.
This list is not exhaustive, and we are interested in all issues that have a significant impact on the supply of new affordable housing. However, our audit will not cover the management of existing housing stock or wider issues in the housing market, such as the rise of second home ownership in certain parts of Wales.
Our call for evidence is a short survey with open questions about what has worked well, what could work better, and the main issues that need to be overcome to meet the target.
Many people need to work together successfully to deliver affordable housing and realise the many wider benefits that it can provide. We are interested to hear your experiences about what has or hasn’t worked well in delivering the current target and other affordable housing schemes.
If you are a public body, housing association, third sector organisation, interested individual or a private company involved in the development, construction and financing of affordable housing, then we’d like to hear from you.
Any information that you provide will help give an overview of perspectives from key stakeholders and organisations in Wales.
Complete our call for evidence survey [opens in new window].
Our call for evidence will close on 28 July 2023.
Please contact Affordable.Housing@audit.wales if you would like further information or if you require additional time to respond.