Adverse Childhood Experiences: Small Steps, Big Change

17 July 2018
  • June 2018 - We further explored issues raised at last year's ACEs webinar, but also discussed how to apply this and the necessary skills.   We asked delegates to think about whether they are making the most of what they are currently doing.

    ACEs: Small Steps, Big Change Webinar
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    ACE Support Hub Skills and Knowledge Framework

    The ACE Support Hub has co-produced a Skills and Knowledge Framework that will help all of us in Wales to understand our part in tackling and preventing ACEs.

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    Following on from our previous webinar, we considered what an ACE/trauma-informed approach is all about and how delegates could apply this to their work. 


    ACE Support Hub Skills and Knowledge Framework

    Title Size Link
    ACE Support Hub Skills and Knowledge Framework {draft} 605.99 KB Link

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