• Shared Learning Webinar
    How understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can help integrated service delivery

    Through scenario based discussions, this webinar helped delegates understand the impact of ACEs, how ACEs underpin the work of public services, how the five ways of working can be applied to take an approach that seeks to prevent ACEs and how working together in this way can fulfil the spirit and intention of the Well-being of Future Generations Act. 

About this event

In 2016, Public Health Wales published a series of three studies on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Wales. The studies focused on;

The studies found that:

  • Adults in Wales who were physically or sexually abused as children or brought up in households where there was domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse are more likely to adopt health-harming and anti-social behaviours in adult life.
  • The number of adults living with low mental well-being in Wales could be reduced by more than a quarter (27%) if no individuals in Wales were exposed to harmful experiences in childhood.
  • Those in Wales who suffered four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with a chronic disease in later life compared to adults that have experienced none.

It is clear that prevention, early intervention and collaborative working are key to breaking the cycle. Public services need to identify steps that can be taken to give every child in Wales the best start in life and break inter-generational cycles.

Public services in Wales are continuing to face significant challenges and no single organisation has the answers. The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires organisations to use the sustainable development principle to maximise their contribution to the national seven well-being goals. Doing this drives public bodies to challenge their practice, work collaboratively, adapt to different cultures and use, collectively, the resources we have in very different ways. It is essential that the five ways of working are applied in everything that they do.

Who the webinar was for 

This seminar was aimed at all public bodies, including the following officers:

  • Public Services Board coordinators
  • Officers within the organisations of the Public Services Board, such as police officers, health board staff, third sector officers, fire service
  • Public Services Board members
  • Officers working in corportate planning
  • Officers working in other front-line services, such as education, social services, community services.

Social media 

Storify [Opens in new window]


About this event

In 2016, Public Health Wales published a series of three studies on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Wales. The studies focused on;

The studies found that:

  • Adults in Wales who were physically or sexually abused as children or brought up in households where there was domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse are more likely to adopt health-harming and anti-social behaviours in adult life.
  • The number of adults living with low mental well-being in Wales could be reduced by more than a quarter (27%) if no individuals in Wales were exposed to harmful experiences in childhood.
  • Those in Wales who suffered four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with a chronic disease in later life compared to adults that have experienced none.

It is clear that prevention, early intervention and collaborative working are key to breaking the cycle. Public services need to identify steps that can be taken to give every child in Wales the best start in life and break inter-generational cycles.

Public services in Wales are continuing to face significant challenges and no single organisation has the answers. The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires organisations to use the sustainable development principle to maximise their contribution to the national seven well-being goals. Doing this drives public bodies to challenge their practice, work collaboratively, adapt to different cultures and use, collectively, the resources we have in very different ways. It is essential that the five ways of working are applied in everything that they do.

Who the webinar was for 

This seminar was aimed at all public bodies, including the following officers:

  • Public Services Board coordinators
  • Officers within the organisations of the Public Services Board, such as police officers, health board staff, third sector officers, fire service
  • Public Services Board members
  • Officers working in corportate planning
  • Officers working in other front-line services, such as education, social services, community services.

Social media 

Storify [Opens in new window]


Further information about this event will be added soon