• Transatlantic Conversations - Parallels in Homelessness

    Join us on March 7th for our next Transatlantic conversation! We will be discussing the problem of Homelessness and the similar and different ways Wales and Nova Scotia are addressing this complex problem.

About this event

To register, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-2trT8qHNbvQBmXFvzNACeaVUraaarR 

March 7 2024 - 14:00-15:30 (10:00 - 12:30 in Nova Scotia)


We think of homelessness as a local problem, but in fact it’s a global issue.

Cities are being forced to acknowledge the gap between the cost of living and working in a city, and what the city can offer in return.

This gap is getting wider, and as a result there are more and more people becoming homeless in cities today.

These people need to be in the city to work, yet cannot afford to live in the city. Options are limited.

Homelessness and housing are not new issues but come back into focus regularly as our communities struggle to adapt to the market forces that govern the modern world.

Join us on March 7th for some thought provoking conversation. There is so much to talk about.  There are so many aspects to this challenge, such as:

  • The potential movement of people due to the effects of climate change
  • Post secondary institutions – are they part of the problem?
  • Who’s responsibility is it?
  • Does the wealth gap play a role in this?
  • How does it impact other services? Ambulance, Police, etc.
  • Is it polarizing our communities?

What is important to you? We would like to know.

About Our Conversations:

Conversation plays a pivotal role in today’s interconnected world.  It helps us understand context, values, beliefs, and culture.

When we come together, we do not just exchange facts, we rethink, reshape, and/or draw new insights, and sometimes the way we think about things is transformed.

Conversations give us greater capacity to work through complex problems, foster new connections, and make us feel part of something.

Our Transatlantic Conversations do just that. They keep us connected, regardless of the topic. They foster relationships and trust between a small province (Nova Scotia) and a small country (Wales) and enable us to better understand difficult and complex problems facing our communities. Conversations can inspire and energize us; something we can all use more of today!

Join us to listen, share, and discuss what matters. We will do our best to connect you with others who work in a similar organization/ sector across the ocean. You do not need to be a subject matter expert to join us!

See you there!

To register, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-2trT8qHNbvQBmXFvzNACeaVUraaarR 

Further information about this event will be added soon