After Wales experienced record-breaking temperatures last month, the Auditor General’s report highlights concern over whether the Welsh public sector’s net zero carbon ambition will be met in time.
This is the second report from our baseline review of decarbonisation, which asked: ‘How is the public sector preparing to achieve the Welsh Government’s collective ambition for a net zero public sector by 2030?
We published our first report on 14 July 2022, which targeted senior leaders and those with scrutiny roles in public bodies, with the aim of inspiring them to increase the pace of their work on achieving the 2030 collective ambition.
The evidence report we are publishing today provides more detailed information and data from our work. It also provides local examples of actions being taken by public bodies.
The report recognises the positive actions that public bodies are already taking, but to meet the collective ambition the pace of change needs to be accelerated.