We’re here to Assure, Explain and Inspire.
The Auditor General is the statutory external auditor of most of the Welsh public sector.
Our key strength is our wide range of skills and knowledge that has arisen from our position as the the statutory external auditor
See our current and previous consultations
This section sets out how you may request information from us and provides some direct links to information of wider public interest.
Governance and oversight at Audit Wales
Our accounts are audited by an independent firm appointed by the Welsh Parliament.
Our Executive Leadership Team is responsible for directing the organisation
The Auditor General is responsible for auditing most of the public money spent in Wales.
Audit Services has a reach of over 800 public bodies across Wales covering financial and performance audit
Our programme of shared learning events focusses on topics that are common across public services
Our forward work programme for performance audit
The NFI matches data across organisations and systems to help public bodies identify fraud and overpayments.
We work with others from across the Welsh public sector and beyond
See our latest news, blogs, events and more
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View our videos on our YouTube channel
Our events bring together individuals from across the Welsh public sector
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We’ve published our Interim Report
Our Interim Report provides a summary of how we’re delivering or progressing our plans since our Annual Plan was published in April 2023.
Work is on-going to complete our audit of accounts work for 2022-23 accounts and despite efforts, such as introducing overtime for this work and diverting staff from other projects, which has had a knock impact on the delivery of other work, the deadline to complete audit of accounts remains challenging.
Nonetheless, our work has continued to play a key role in supporting the work of the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee (PAPAC) in its consideration of the use of resources and the discharge of public functions in Wales.
In terms of running the business, our move to our new Cardiff office in Capital Quarter at the end of March 2023 followed extensive engagement with staff to secure premises that meet our evolving business needs and supported staff wellbeing. Feedback from staff has been positive and a similar approach was used in the subsequent planning and delivery of the relocation of our North Wales office from Abergele to space in the Welsh Government’s office in Llandudno Junction in September 2023.
During quarter 1 of 2023 for the first time, we used an independent research company to obtain stakeholder feedback on our behalf. We were extremely pleased with the positive messages we received. This reflects on the amazing work of our teams and individuals working across the organisation.
Despite resourcing challenges, we remain committed to providing high quality public audit to ensure the value for money from every pound of public spending. Our staff are our greatest asset to achieving this and we continue to focus on staff recruitment, training, and development to provide a strong, sustainable, independent public audit office.