Accountability and governance in partnership services


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How technology is enabling collaborative working across public services


More about this event 

Public services are increasingly delivering services in very different ways and working in partnership has become a key component to delivering successful public services.

On top of this, we are living in a world where digital technologies are ever-changing. The possibilities that digital technologies can provide are endless. 

Making an Equal Wales a Reality


More about the event

This seminar is the starting point of knowledge sharing and knowledge gathering around this topic over the next two years for the Wales Audit Office.  An all Wales study, the focus of which is yet to be determined, will follow in early spring, reporting in 2021 with a follow up event. This topic cuts across all public services in Wales and will therefore be relevant to all policy makers as well as to those who design and engage with public services.

Internal audit arrangements at town and community councils


More about this event

This is the second in the series of webinars on supporting town and community councils in Wales. We held a webinar back in February 2017 on financial management and governance in community councils.

The roles of town and community councils are increasing in their contributions to public services in Wales. With that comes the need to ensure their own internal processes support these needs.