If only there was a Scouting badge for Brexit...



Like many who will have been involved with the Scout or Guide movements in their childhood, some basic precepts were instilled in me from a young age – including the Scout motto: ‘Be Prepared’.

On entering the world of work, I was later introduced to the 6 P’s model: “Perfect Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” - and yes, I do know that you can Google the military version which includes an ‘extra’ P!

Working in partnership to combat fraud


More about this event 

We will share investigation techniques, intelligence and the use of data analytics in fraud prevention and detection.

This seminar is aimed at all public service officers and members who have counter fraud responsibilities or interests within their organisations including, those:

‘No-deal’ Brexit planning is being ramped up, but the picture varies across Wales’ public services


Planning for a ‘no-deal’ Brexit is being taken seriously across Wales and many public bodies have ramped up their efforts since the summer of 2018, but the picture varies across the country. That’s the conclusion of a report, published today, by the Auditor General for Wales. In it, he sets out some clear messages to all Welsh public bodies as they grapple with the major challenges and uncertainties of Brexit.