WEFO faced major challenge to commit EU funding before Brexit

The Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) faced a major challenge to commit all EU structural funds before Brexit. However, shortly before today’s publication of the Auditor General’s report - ‘Managing the impact of Brexit on EU Structural Funds’ - the UK Government extended its guarantee to cover Wales’ (and the UK’s) allocation for Structural Funds under this EU budget period to 2020.
The UK is set to leave the EU on 29 March 2019. If the UK leaves the EU with a Withdrawal Agreement, Wales will continue to receive Structural Funds until the current round ends.

Building Resilient Communities

A more resilient Wales is one of the seven goals of the Well-being of the Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and the term resilient communities has become a common theme over the past couple of years, but what does this mean in reality? What is a community and how does it become resilient?
Wales is made up of diverse communities which draw upon a variety of characteristics.

New Auditor General takes up post

The role, which carries an eight year term, is a Crown appointment and is totally independent of government. As Auditor General for Wales, Adrian will also be the Chief Executive of the Wales Audit Office. 
The Wales Audit Office works to support the Auditor General as the public sector watchdog for Wales.