Welsh Government programme to modernise schools is generally well managed


The Welsh Government announced its 21st Century Schools and Education programme to build new and refurbish schools across Wales in 2009. Band A of the programme started in 2014. A report released by the Auditor General finds that the Welsh Government is generally managing the programme well but it but will need to clarify some detailed expectations and make adjustments in response to proposed changes in approach and funding to get better value from future public sector investment. 

Fancy working for the public sector watchdog for Wales? We’re looking for Performance Auditors


We are looking for three suitably qualified and experienced Performance Auditors (PS1) to join us immediately within the health and local government delivery teams, on a permanent basis.

You’ll be responsible for every aspect of organising work, as well as contributing to its design and scope, researching and collecting data, preparing evidence and presenting findings to audited bodies.