Darren Griffiths


Darren is a Performance Audit Manager with responsibility for overseeing the Auditor General’s programme of performance audit work at Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Digital Health and Care Wales, and Velindre University NHS Trust. Darren is also responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Auditor General’s structured assessment work at all NHS bodies in Wales.

Making services more accessible for people who do not speak English or Welsh



The Good Practice Exchange Team is running a shared learning seminar focusing on access to services for people who do not speak English or Welsh. So why are we holding this event? Rachel Harries, Wales Audit Office, shares our thinking on this topic…

Local government bodies continue to face challenges in producing and improving timely annual accounts


Wales’ local government bodies improved the quality of their pre-audit annual accounts for 2015-16, but still face challenges in the medium term to improve and produce their accounts to meet earlier statutory deadlines. This is according to a report released today by the Auditor General for Wales.

Conwy Health Precinct – The power of perseverance


The Auditor General for Wales recently held a joint collaborative event with the Future Generations Commissioner to determine how the new Well-being of Future Generations Act should be monitored and audited. As part of the event the Wales Audit Office’s Senior Communications Officer, Mark Woods was tasked with finding a case study of the principles of the Act in action. Here he blogs about his experience of discovering that case study and the key things public services in Wales can learn from this example.

Further education colleges coping with Welsh Government cuts


Despite cuts to grants, the Welsh Government’s funding allocation and oversight arrangements for further education colleges are generally sound, although they would benefit from a more integrated and long-term approach. This is according to a report released today by the Auditor General for Wales.