Looking for the next generation of audit professionals

This intense, yet rewarding, programme is looking for astute, determined, self-motivated and creative team players to contribute to our dynamic and progressive organisation.
Successful applicants will develop new skills and gain knowledge from a variety of audit work relating to a cross section of public bodies.

Derwyn Owen


Derwyn is a Financial Audit Director, having a wide ranging portfolio of audits across the whole of Wales including local government, NHS and central government bodies. He is also the lead on our audit work in respect of Company Act audits and the Director responsible for overseeing the Information Management and Technology audit work. Derwyn has been a member of ACCA since 2000.

Appointed Auditor withdraws advisory notice to Pembrokeshire Council

The Appointed Auditor, Anthony Barrett, has this morning withdrawn the advisory notice he served to Pembrokeshire Council on 28 October 2014. 
A revised settlement agreement, to terminate the employment of the Chief Executive, has been agreed by all parties - in which the unlawful expenditure has been removed.

Environmental health services under growing pressure

Welsh councils are finding ways to meet most of their statutory environmental health obligations, but there is concern over the way these important services are delivered in the future.
In the first of a series of studies, looking at how councils are managing to deliver key services with less money, the report 'Delivering with less – the impact on environmental health services and citizens' also includes information sought from the public by our 'My Healthy Town' campaign run in January of this year.
Huw Vaughan-Thomas, Auditor General, said: