Report Education and skills Capital Investment in Schools We examined whether the schools capital investment programme has been managed to best effect. The study fieldwork was completed during 2008-09. View more
Report The Office for National Statistics has benefited from develo... To improve its financial and management reporting, in 2006 the ONS decided to upgrade its finance function and created new posts of financial controller and financial accountant. View more
Report Auditor General for Wales Annual Report and Accounts - April... Every year we publish an Annual Report, which summarises our work over the previous 12 months. It sets out our highlights, achievements and our future focus View more
Report Buildings Management National Briefing We reviewed the land and buildings management arrangements at 30 of the larger Welsh public sector bodies including local government, police, fire and most central government bodies. In the NHS we undertook a central review, supported by limited local fieldwork prior to the recent reorganisation. Arrangements for the management of NHS land and buildings have been guided by a range of all-Wales policies and procedures which have provided the basis for a more consistent approach in that sector. We also held ‘shared learning seminars’ across Wales to support the identification and sharing of good practice. View more
Report NHS risk-based approach for managing backlog maintenance - W... ‘Backlog’ is the amount of repair and maintenance work needed to bring property up to certain standards of physical condition. View more
Report NHS Wales's Estates and Facilities Performance Management Sy... The NHS Wales Estates and Facilities Performance Management System (EFPMS) was set up in 2002. The system encourages a disciplined approach to data collection, dissemination and review and supports strategic decision making at both a local and national level. View more
Report The NHS Central Energy Fund – Welsh Health Estates The Central Energy Fund (CEF) was launched in 2005 and provided over £3 million of funding to the NHS in Wales to invest in low to medium cost energy efficiency initiatives and low carbon technologies. Over the three years ofthe programme, some 149 individual schemes were supported. Together these projects identified potential annual carbon savings of 13,400 tonnes. View more
Report Working with external organisations to secure funds for ener... Cymru Gynnes Ltd (Warm Wales) builds upon the most successful Warm Zones Model developed at Stockton on Tees by National Grid Transco (NGT) and subsequently rolled out to Redcar and Cleveland and Newcastle upon Tyne. Warm Wales, led by NGTs Affordable Warmth Programme, started its first three-year project at Neath Port Talbot Council in 2004, then in Wrexham in 2005. View more
Report Port Talbot Primary Care Resource Centre - Abertawe Bro Morg... The resource centre is one of the first projects in Wales to achieve integration between primary and community NHS services, social services and the voluntary and independent commercial sectors. View more
Report Finance The management of public funding by Cymad Cyf This report seeks to answer two questions: Did Cymad misuse public funds? And, did the public bodies in Wales effectively manage public funds paid to Cymad, in the period after 1 April 2003? View more