Is the National Procurement Service delivering for Wales?


Public bodies spent £234 million through the NPS in 2016-17, but this was well short of previous estimates, a report by the Auditor General for Wales has said.

Although spend through its procurement arrangements has increased year-on-year since its inception in 2013, public bodies are not using the NPS as much as anticipated. Of the £234 million spent through NPS in 2016-17, the 73 member organisations spent £222 million. NPS’s 2015 business plan had targeted a figure of £2.2 billion.

Wales Audit Office scoops three awards across the business

We've scooped three separate awards in just one week, by two prestigious professional bodies - the Chartered Institiute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).
Financial Audit Director, Ann-Marie Harkin, won the CIPFA Wales Award for Finance Professional of the Year. 
The WAO’s finance team won Finance Team of the Year for their work on publishing the organisation’s accounts in just 10 weeks from year-end and ahead of the other audit bodies in the UK.