A different lens…


Every year we work on a number of reports which focus on different areas of the public sector. As part of our analysis of those services, getting feedback from service users is really important. It is vital to know what service users experiences are, whether it is good or bad. The most common way we do this is through using surveys which ask a few short questions about a specific service area. The information we collect from these surveys, provide us with valuable insight, which would not come out from speaking to people that run those services, or from just looking at data.

Governance weaknesses threatened credibility of Carmarthenshire wind turbine project


The Welsh Government invested £810,000 to help build the CELT2 wind turbine in Carmarthenshire.
While the turbine operates successfully, a number of governance weaknesses have been identified, including around the management of conflicts of interest. This is according to a report published today by the Auditor General for Wales.