Better Law Making: our latest think piece


Drawing on its post-legislative examination of four significant laws, in conjunction with five very recent reports, Audit Wales considers some of the challenges faced by local authorities, public bodies, and public sector organisations when attempting to implement these.

This think piece highlights common issues that arise for those attempting to implement new legislation, and asserts that post legislative examination of how well new laws are being implemented would be good practice.

Volunteering is a two-way process that makes a difference to everyone involved


I was once approached about a role as a Chief Executive of a large, national, volunteering organisation.  I replied that it was hard enough leading and motivating a paid workforce and that it must be so much harder to lead volunteers. Now, with two powerful volunteering experiences under my belt, one volunteering on the ward of a Hospice and more recently setting up the COVID-19 Community Response in Rhossili, Gower; my views have mellowed. I can stand back and reflect more comprehensively and mindfully on the value of volunteering to our nation.

Libraries - it's not just about the books


Since our Twitter thread about library services back in July, lots of things have changed. The list of things we’re allowed to do has continued to get longer than the list of things we’re not.  Councils have been able to start thinking about what comes next, not just having to react to what’s just happened. It seems like a good time to reflect on where Council services have been – in this example, library services – and where they might go next.