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Our publications cover a range of audit work completed at public bodies, including: central government, local councils, health boards, police forces, fire services, and national parks.

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Joint Strategic Equality Plan

This joint strategic equality plan sets out ten specific objectives to help us perform the General Equality Duty (i.e. having due regard in our work to the need to help eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations).

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Caerphilly County Borough Council - Annual Improvement Repor...

The report covers the delivery and evaluation of services at Caerphilly County Borough Council in relation to 2012-13,and its planning of improvement for 2013-14.

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Agile Working Toolkit - Flintshire County Council

Flintshire County Council has developed a toolkit to support staff to effectively implement Agile Working. This toolkit includes a variety of tools, ranging from ‘Hints and Tips for Agile Workers‘ to more formal Agile Working Process Flows.

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Report Finance
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Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council - Annual Improvement R...

This report sets out the findings of the work undertaken on behalf of the Auditor General by the staff of the Wales Audit Office; and also draws on the work of the relevant Welsh inspectorates. The report covers the Council’s delivery of services, its evaluation of services in relation to 2012-13, and its planning of improvement for 2013-14.

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Our Strategic Equality Plan

As the Auditor General and the Wales Audit Office are now separate legal entities, each with our own respective functions, and each covered by the Welsh regulations, we are each required to produce a Strategic Equality Plan.

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Gwynedd Council - Annual Improvement Report

The report covers Gwynedd Council’s (the Council) delivery and evaluation of its services in 2012-13, its planning for improvement in 2013-14 and, taking these into account, concludes whether the Auditor General believes that the Council will make arrangements to secure continuous improvement for 2014-15.

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Auditor General for Wales Code of Audit Practice and Stateme...

The Code prescribes the way in which the Auditor General’s audit and certain other functions are to be exercised, and embodies what appears to the Auditor General to be best professional practice. 

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Report Finance
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European Union Structural Funds 2007-2013

The 2007-2013 EU structural funding programmes in Wales – which help deliver jobs, growth and sustainable development - has progressed well compared with previous programmes.

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Report Finance
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Public funding of the Cywain Centre, Bala

The Cywain Centre opened in April 2008 but soon ran into difficulties and finally closed in September 2011. The total estimated cost to the public sector was £2.2 million. However, by the time the Centre closed in 2011 the cost to the public sector had risen to more than £3.4 million.

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Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Review of District N...

District nurses play an important and crucial role within the primary and community health care team, visiting and providing care to patients in their own homes, which can include residential care homes. As well as providing direct patient care, district nurses also have a teaching role and work with patients and their relatives to help them manage their condition and treatment, avoiding unnecessary admission or readmission to hospital.

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