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Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Review of District N...

District nurses play an important and crucial role within the primary and community health care team, visiting and providing care to patients in their own homes, which can include residential care homes. As well as providing direct patient care, district nurses also have a teaching role and work with patients and their relatives to help them manage their condition and treatment, avoiding unnecessary admission or readmission to hospital.

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Hospital Catering - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board ...

Hospital catering services are an essential part of patient care, given that good quality, nutritious meals places a vital part in a patient’s rehabilitation and recovery. Effective catering services are dependent on sound planning and co-ordination of a range of processes involving menu planning, procurement, food production and distribution of meals to patients.

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Review of Clinical Coding - Velindre NHS Trust

The completion of clinical coding has been timely in the past, but a range of weaknesses in the arrangements and process are impacting on the accuracy of clinical coded data in Velindre NHS Trust and limited resources means that backlogs in uncoded episodes are now increasing.

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Report Finance
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Local government audit and inspection fee scales 2014-15

Including fee scales for the audit of the 2013-14 accounts of unitary authorities, fire and rescue services, national park authorities, police and crime commissioners and chief constables, pension funds and town and community councils.

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The Management of Chronic Conditions in Wales – An Update

Chronic conditions present a growing challenge to health and social services in Wales. An estimated 800,000 people report having at least one chronic condition; such as diabetes, heart disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The prevalence of chronic conditions increases with age and its burden on the health system is likely to increase as more people live longer.

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The Auditor General’s programme of value for money studies B...

The following briefing paper provides the Public Accounts Committee with an update on the Auditor General’s programme of value for money studies.

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Equality Report 2014

This report details our compliance with the Equality Act 2010 during the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.

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The Welsh Government’s Location Strategy

This report examines whether the Location Strategy Programme has delivered its objectives in a way that provides value for money.

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Intra-Wales – Cardiff to Anglesey – Air Service - Memorandum...

We have prepared this memorandum on the Intra-Wales Air Service at the request of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

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Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Primary Care Presc...

The NHS in Wales issues around 75 million primary care prescriptions each year amounting to around £600 million in medicine costs. The amount spent on drugs per head of population in 2012 (£196) is higher than in England (£169) and Scotland (£168). In addition the number of items prescribed in 2012 for each person per year is the highest in the UK at 24 items, which has increased from 15 in 2002.

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